Where are the white tower,
keeping legends and giving,
where forests rustle in the wind,
protecting the secrets of the universe,
it is quiet.
High, even the sky is higher here.
Every corner is beautiful here,
and angels live on the roofs.
The glory of the masters
and the best Bialowieza cheeses is flying high.
The glory of the masters
and the best Bialowieza cheeses is flying high.
Here happiness breathes a person,
and each approach is special.
Any product of dairy rivers
here is of the highest quality.
The Bialowieza land
has preserved the oldest recipes for us.
And we grow day by day,
in the unity of the spirit our strength!
The glory of the masters
and the best Bialowieza cheeses is flying high.
The glory of the masters
and the best Bialowieza cheeses is flying high.
There are many victories ahead,
and we know the secret of success.
Only those who are honest with themselves will be warmed by fate itself.
Nature's generous gifts
for the benefit of turning people.
And the brand "Byelovezhskije Syry"
we will praise our native Belarus.
The glory of the masters
and the best Bialowieza cheeses is flying high.
The glory of the masters
and the best Bialowieza cheeses is flying high.